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Announcement: Batting Cage, by Crawford Rhine

Batting CageQSFer Crawford Rhine has a new sci fi book out:

In this world populated only by men, Brand is the uncommon man who is sexually attracted to them, which comes in handy when he is delivered to his new Master in a cage.


Brand is a marked man in a world of unmarked men. The mark identifies him as someone who is eligible to go into Service. He has been ready for this opportunity for years and thinks it will never happen. Brand moves on with his life until he receives a call from a Master, Trent Parks.

He turns out to be a well-known professional baseball player and unlike anyone Brand has ever met. There is an age difference that Brand has to negotiate, being the older one, as well as the dangers of being with a famous person. Brand discovers, much to his surprise, that not only does he like Trent as a Master, but that he is falling in love with him.

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Author Bio

Crawford Rhine completed his first book, Batting Cage, after suddenly rediscovering the passion for writing that he had while in school. Spending each summer at the beach, he dreams of Autumns in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania and winters on the slopes of Austria. His second book, Gridiron Cage, is ready to be released and will soon be followed by the third in the series, Celluloid Cage.

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