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Where Are All the Queers in Mainstream Sci Fi?


Morning all! Today’s topic comes from QSFer Jim Comer: “The role of LGBT, etc, themes in mundane SF.”

We talk a lot here about romance and love stories set in a sci fi universe. But there’s also a whole big mainstream sci fi market out there, and historically it hasn’t been friendly to LGBT characters. I watched Star Trek for years hoping for a gay character – I finally gave up that particular search – hey, did they ever get there?

Ditto for most of the mainstream sci fi books – we’re not talking gay sex or even a romantic plot line. The simple fact is that LGBT characters have historically been absent from most mainstream sci fi.

I’d like to see that change – where LGBT characters are just a part of the fabric of what may be. Sometimes in relationships. Sometimes as heroes. Sometimes as villains. But just present in more work.

So my questions today – what are your thoughts on LGBT characters in mainstream SF? What aren’t there more? What kind of stories should we be telling beyond erotica and romance? And what are some of your favorite mainstream sci fi stories that have included LGBT characters?

Image by hotwireins, via Pichost

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