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Announcement: Internment, by Freddy MacKay

Internment - Freddy MacKay

QSFer Freddy MacKay has a new MM paranormal romance book out: Alone on his mountain, the kitsune Tadashi only wishes to be left in peace so he can mourn his lost lover and take care of his temple. Unfortunately, several townsmen who have no idea of Tadashi’s true nature have different plans for the “Jap on the mountain” and his land. When they push the kitsune too far, he reacts with horrific violence, leaving tragedy in his wake. Broken and terrified of himself, Tadashi represses his natural drives and shuts himself off from the world. The intrusion of a lost … Read more

SPACE: Fly Me to the Moon

Moon - pixabay

Well, here’s a bit of space news we weren’t expecting: Today, future Martian overlord and SpaceX founder Elon Musk announced that in 2018, the company will fly two private citizens around the Moon in its Dragon 2 spacecraft, carried by its extremely powerful Falcon Heavy rocket. While the voyagers’ names have not been disclosed, according to SpaceX, a “significant deposit” has already been made. “This is a really thing that’s happened,” Elon Musk told reporters at a press conference. “We’ve been approached to do a crewed mission beyond the Moon…[and these passengers] are very serious about it. We plan to … Read more

Announcement/Deleted Scene: Ardulum: First Don, by J.S. Fields

Ardulum: First Don

J.S. Fields has a new FF sci fi romance out: Ardulum. The planet that vanishes. The planet that sleeps. Neek makes a living piloting the dilapidated tramp transport, Mercy’s Pledge, and smuggling questionable goods across systems blessed with peace and prosperity. She gets by—but only just. In her dreams, she is still haunted by thoughts of Ardulum, the traveling planet that, long ago, visited her homeworld. The Ardulans brought with them agriculture, art, interstellar technology…and then disappeared without a trace, leaving Neek’s people to worship them as gods. Neek does not believe—and has paid dearly for it with an exile … Read more

Disney Fantasy Cartoon Includes Gay Kiss

Star vs. The Forces of Evil

Star vs. The Forces of Evil, a Disney Channel cartoon now in its third season, featured a gay kiss without so much as a boycott by Focus on the Family. The main character, Star, is attending a boy band concert with her main love interest and another girl. While the band sings their song “Just Friends,” Star looks at the other happy couples around her starting to kiss. One of those couples is two men, complete with facial hair to make sure they are read as men. The show does not comment on this. It might not seem like much, … Read more

Rabid Reader Recommendations — R3 Wednesdays!

WELCOME to Rabid Reader Recommendations, or R3 WEDNESDAYS! We host this discussion the first Wednesday of every month; it’s a great opportunity to recommend and discuss works you have enjoyed in queer speculative fiction. For March R3, the theme is: YA! (I’m defining young adult literature as literature featuring protagonists under the age of nineteen and over the age of twelve.) HOW IT WORKS: The works have to be related to the theme. This is a reader discussion. Don’t recommend your own works–get someone to do it for you! Please include a Goodreads link or something comparable. You can create … Read more