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Announcement: Drakon’s Angel, by Aeryn Jaden

Dakon's Angel

QSFer Aeryn Jaden has a new paranormal book out: Kanael is tired. He has been without his mate for more than two millennia and his control is slowly slipping. Time heals all wounds and his are no exception. Well, at least they are scabbed over. He is ready, past ready and he needs to set to rights his broken mating bond with Kraken, his drakon. He’ll need to leave his family and go searching for his long lost mate if he wants to ever be happy. And protect those he loves from himself once his control over his own nature … Read more

Discussion: Are Shifter Stories Stuck in a Rut?

Someone to Cuttle large

We’ve had tales of shifters for a long, long time – many cultures have werewolf myths, and they’ve been in the popular culture for centuries. In recent years, shifters have branched out beyond the “traditional” wolves, and we now have werecats, weresquirrels, werebears, and even (shudder) were cuttlefish. But has this genre become played out? Have we said everything there is to say about shifters? Or is there some new angle out there that we’ve yet to explore? Come join the chat