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Super Heroes as Gay Fantasy Pin-Ups

gay supergheroes

Thought this would appeal to y’all: While the rest of us are content to just let our superhero fantasies live within the colorful world of our filthy imaginations, artist Fab Ng is busy turning them into reality. Well, as real as a cartoon can be. Still, there’s no denying the appeal of his work. You can check more out on his Instagram. Original story at Queerty

Angel’s Bits: Stop Yelling!

Hi all! Welcome to the first installment of Angel’s Bits on QSF where you’ll be subjected to, er, where I hope to talk about writers’ issues, the market, and Stuff We’re Seeing Out There. Today I want to talk about yelling. No, not physical yelling, though shouting in a reader’s face probably won’t leave the best impression. I mean online yelling. This is something all authors have to confront, but those of us writing SFF and SFR, paranormal and horror seem to fall prey to it in alarming numbers. Back in the dark ages of typewriters and snail mail manuscript … Read more